Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Understanding Narrative Theory

I have made this Prezi to present the different types of narrative code with examples of films with narratives which follow each code.

Roland Barthes' action codes:
Barthes believed that a story is created by one action leading to another. This narrative style allows the audience to know how things occurred.

Roland Barthes' enigma codes:
On the other hand Bathes raises the idea that it can be mysteries which drives a story forward and interests the audience to watch and work out why something is happening within the narrative.

Tzvetan Todorov:
Todorov stated that narratives are led by events in a cause and effect format, in the structure of a character disrupting the equilibrium (cause), and then begins a quest to restore the equilibrium (effect). He suggested that the primary function of a narrative was to solve a problem, and that a character should follow a series of linear stages to do so.

Vladimir Propp:
Propp is concerned with the relationship between narrative and characters, and argued that stories are character driven, and that plots develop around the actions of the characters. He stated that it was possible to group characters and actions into roles and functions which move the story along. Examples of these characters roles are the hero who has a mission to accomplish something, and the villain who is driven by evil motives and tries to prevent the hero from accomplishing their mission.

Claude Levi-Strauss binary oppositions:
Levi-Strauss argued that all construction of meaning was dependent, to some extent, on oppositions such as light-dark, hero-villain, and man-machine.

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