Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Finding a Musician to Compose our Music

Morrighan and I have been enquiring with our musician friends if they would be both available and willing to perform and record a jazz piece to accompany our opening title sequence; however all of the musicians we have asked so far are unfortunately too busy, or are unable to produce music fitting the jazz genre.

I asked my good friend who is a member of a jazz band if he would be available to do this. Below is a copy of our conversation over Facebook.

Although William is unsure of whether he will be too busy with his other activities, he will try to perform a piece of jazz music for us. As he has no access to recording software, Morrighan and I will look into finding some to record his music and upload it to Soundcloud to present as evidence for our blogs. We will save the file to the school computer which we are editing our opening sequence on, and export it onto iMovie and overlay over our footage. We will cut and edit the sound file on iMovie so that it fits with our opening sequence.

As there is a chance that he will not be available to do this, we will continue enquiring with other musicians.

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